Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Old North Church

"One if by land, two if by sea" Paul Revere proclaimed to the people as he heralded his plan to warn of the oncoming British troops. The lanterns were placed in the steeple of the North Church you can faintly see in the background. We have really enjoyed walking through this historical town where well preserved history meets contemporary sophistication. We travelled over the river where many places of higher learning were found like MIT, Boston College, and Harvard. What a day!
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Sweets in Boston!

We were told to have Boston Creme Pie in the square and Cannoli's in Little Italy. We took their advice and went on a culinary tour of the area! This is one of the most famous sweet shops in Boston. It was worth the wait.
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Street Performers

The mild weather brought out all kinds of local flavor! This illusionist used Ted as his assistant as he escaped Houdini style from a straight jacket. Lacy thought he was really, really weird!
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An Outdoor Dinner in Boston

We had the best fish and chips ever tonight in Boston. It is unusually warm so the town was hopping! We took a walking tour of the historic sights around the beautiful town. We have been to a lot of cities in the United States and this is in my top three. Too bad it's not about 10 hours south!
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Beautiful MA countryside

We are staying at a really beautiful RV park in Foxboro, Massachusetts. It has an indoor and outdoor pool, arcade, baseball field and all kinds of other great amenities. We adjusted our schedule for tomorrow so we could stay a little longer.

A Five State Day

We had a wonderful day of travelling. We have decided we have seen more housing so far along the east coast than we saw the whole trip along the west coast last year. We drove through New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island and landed in Massachusetts. What a beautiful drive!
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George Washington Bridge

This picture looks fake! Connor was sitting inside the front window as we travelled over the George Washington bridge. Driving through New York was really amazing, but I sure am glad we come home another way!
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Evan's New Hobby

Evan bought a knife on this trip and has taken up whittling (like Ted's dad!). We have so many arrows and spears on the bus that I'm not sure they will let us in to Canada!
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Shower Time!

**Note: no modesty was compromised in the taking of this picture!** We have a great shower on the bus with an tankless water heater. Typically, we never run out of hot water. This is a great improvement over RV's in the past. Evan gave me permission to take this picture!
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Lacy's an Unusual Sleeper!

On the RV we have three beds for the kids. One is a sofa bed, and two are cots. The boys tend to be warm natured, and dear Lacy sleeps with multiple blankets, including an electric one! Many mornings she wakes up in this very position. Isn't it funny?
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Last Boat Out

Well, we took the last boat out of the city this night. What fun we had, but we are very tired. Ted will meet with someone we may do business with for breakfast in the morning while we dress and prepare the bus for our trip through Connecticut, Rhode Island and on to Boston, Mass. for the evening. Tomorrow we begin seeing the Fall Foliage the Eastern Seaboard is known for. I just can't wait!
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Wonderful Day!

Well, it's after midnight and I am going to bed. We had a great day and a grand adventure driving our bus through New Jersey. The thing about these old towns is many of them have bridges that were built long before crazy families in RV's came along! We have to keep our eyes open for places where we can't fit! In this picture, we are entering a tunnel. There is always a little pucker factor there. Some places won't let you go through if you carry propane, which we do.
Oh, and I actually missed Delaware! This sign was welcoming us from Delaware and I was not even aware we were in it! Our original plan was to visit Philadelphia today, but I decided to tack it on to the return trip after we drive through the Amish country. We needed more time in New York. It was a good call. if you want to see our [proposed] route, go to,+Cumming,+GA+30040+(Home)&daddr=940+Gold+Hill+Road,+Ft.+Mill,+SC++29708+to:768+Cecil+Avenue+North,+Millersville,+MD++21108+to:Georgia+Rd,+Freehold,+NJ+07728+to:Norwich,+CT+to:Providence,+RI+to:72+West+Street,+Foxboro,+Mass++02035+to:Kennebunkport,+ME+to:684+chemin+Olivier,+Saint-Nicolas,+QC+G7A+2N6,+Canada+(K+O+A+Quebec+City)+to:4100+Rue+Queen,+Rawdon,+Quebec,+Canada+to:52+Sunset+View+Rd,+Colchester,+VT+05446+to:514+1000+Islands+Parkway,+ON+K0E+1L0,+Canada+(KOA+1000+Islands)+to:8690+Tremaine+Road,+Milton,+Ontario,+L9T+2X7+Canada+to:1+Harbour+Square,+Toronto,+ON,+Canada+to:8690+Tremaine+Road,+Milton,+Ontario,+L9T+2X7+Canada+to:Lancaster,+PA+to:Philadelphia,+PA+to:16+Recreation+Ln,+Natural+Bridge+Station,+VA+24579+to:1890+Ashway+Dr,+Cumming,+GA+30040+(Home)&hl=en&geocode=%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3BFTDlpAId1QZ4-yE3JSaMSL5gJw%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B&mra=ls&sll=40.42311,-76.890215&sspn=17.008875,39.375&ie=UTF8&ll=40.463666,-74.707031&spn=8.505846,19.6875&z=6

I know. It's a really long URL. But it is a map of our route. We'll see if it works

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Serendipity is a restaurant that is famous for it's Frozen Hot Chocolate. Ted and I came to New York almost two years ago and this restaurant was booked solid for the entire month of December. I was very glad to get my long awaited dessert. Dinner was awesome. I got turkey on raisin rye bread topped with thin slices of apple and melted brie. Yum! Thanks Mom!
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Times Square!

Many times we have watched that ball drop on New Year's Eve and said that someday we would go there! Well the kids will never see Times Square on TV the same way again. It is one of my very favorite places on Earth and it is just something you have to experience. I love the pace, the energy and the excitement. We went to the studios of the Fox News Network and saw Neal Cavuto live; one of our favorites. On my "bucket list" is to spend a full year living in New York City. The rough plan is to do it in 2028. Don't laugh, I tend to do things on my list - hence this grand adventure!
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