Monday, October 13, 2008

Busy Boys

After the movie, both the boys had a conversation in the car that made them both come up with ideas for different catapults. They rushed inside to draw up their plans. They are pretty good!
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Movie Night

We went to a movie theater and asked if the movies were in French or English. We learned that all movies in Montreal are in English, even though all commercials and signs are in French. The people at the theater said the locals prefer the English, I find that hard to believe. We did enjoy watching the "City of Ember".
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Notre Dame

This is a beautiful church that is very similar to the famous Notre Dame in France. So much of this downtown looks like this.
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Downtown on the island

Did you know that Montreal is an island? I had no idea! This is the downtown square. Today is Thanksgiving Day so the streets were filled with mostly tourists. Many of the shops were closed.
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Evan's Picture

Evan loved these pictures and wanted badly to stage this photo of the three of them under the"see no evil..." prints. It was really cute.
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Dickens Anyone?

We had lunch in a charming bistro where we learned that in May of 1842, Charles Dickens, while visiting Montreal, wrote the notes for A Tale of Two Cities. It was old and intimate and outside it had skeletons hanging in cages above the door! Strange, but really neat.

Ted took some video of the area and some of the strange locals in the window!
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The Old City

The old city of Montreal is very, very European. It is a French speaking community but because of all the tourists, most speak English in the city. The RV park we are staying in is in a village about 45 minutes away and there are not many who speak anything other than French. All the street signs and business signs are written in French alone.
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Olympic Stadium in Montreal

We began our day in prayer for Carla and Gillian as they laid Jay to rest. It has been very difficult, especially for Lacy and me, not to be there. My understanding is that the funeral was beautiful. I am, again, so grateful for our former Sunday School class at PCBC who stepped in and fed everyone. Carla is a strong woman who loves the Lord with all her heart. She amazes me.

Today we toured the old city of Montreal, Canada. We began by checking out the famous Olympic Stadium. These cables are attached to a top on the stadium that can be removed for an open-air arena. It really is amazing architecture. Just beside the stadium is the BioDome which is an indoor zoo and nature center.
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