Wednesday, February 20, 2008

View of Las Cruces

This is a picture taken from inside our bus at the campsite! We are on top of a hill overlooking the city of Las Cruces. As I type this, it is night time and the city lights are twinkling in the distance. A gazebo beside our bus has painted along the top the four mountain ranges we see from this site. It is absolutely beautiful.

Finally, a Gas Station!

Almost 200 miles without a diesel gas station in sight! We heard the "low fuel" beep for quite a few miles as we travelled with New Mexico on the right and Mexico on the left. Lacy and Ted help clean off the desert dust and feed the bus.

Whimsy along the way

All along our travels there are little picnic areas in the middle of nowhere. It is amazing how you won't see any sign of life for miles and then, out of nowhere, there is a picnic area. There is also no gas anywhere. I guess we were susposed to know there is no McDonalds and no gas...good thing we are in an RV with a big tank and a refridgerator!

Can you believe this is Texas?

The ride between Carlsbad, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas was amazing. Miles and miles and miles of ...nothing. Then we come up on these beautiful mountains and mesa's. God was showing off when he touched this part of our country. PS: You could not see our eyes because the wind was blowing so hard!

Ted and Lacy in the Passenger Seat

Evan took this picture while we were driving down the road. The front seats are really big and the passenger seat reclines and has a footrest. It is a really comfortable ride.

Roadschoolng 101

This is a typical travel day for us. The kids use a computer based study that they each work on while we ride along. We have videos, books and research about the local areas that we review the evening before we travel. We have objectives we need to reach during the day, but we are not too structured about the timing. There is so much to see and do while on the road.

Cycling in New Mexico

Lacy and Evan take a morning ride in Carsbad New Mexico.

Goodnight Lacy

Ted and I sleep in a king size bed in our room. For the kids, we have a queen size sofa bed and two air matresses. The kids rotate from bed to bed each night. This is Lacy's favorite spot on an air mattress under the kitchen table. She has two blankets, a sock monkey and an electric blanket with her each night.

Ted at "the Office"

Ted said he would never have a "fru fru" dog. Here he is on a business call walking said dog in Abilene, Texas. Actually, he gets a lot of work done. A lot of the time I (Kris) drive so he can work.

Don't Wake up Connor or I'll Bite!

Pepe guards the bed while Connor sleeps!

Hot Dogs 750 feet below ground!

The kids say hot dogs, orange juice and oreos are just better 75 stories below ground! They also have a little post office at Carlsbad Caverns that have a stamp that says "I was mailed 750 feet below ground".

Carlsbad Caverns

I have no idea why I can't get this picture to go upright! The caverns were absolutely amazing. We are considering a trip back in the morning.

Carlesbad, New Mexico

The drive from Abilene, Texas to Carlesbad was a fascinating one. There were oil drilling rigs dotting the landscape everywhere we went. We literally went 100 miles seeing nothing but what Evan calls the "one armed bandits". We also passed salt mines and boron minining areas. The Carlesbad KOA where we are staying is really nice with wild rabbits and road runners everywhere!