Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Boys

When we take these trips, the kids have an opportunity to get closer to each other. It is neat to see how they interact. Connor and Evan already share a room at home, so they have a lot of togtherness; but here on the bus, Connor is very much the teacher and Evan is the student. Evan is also the entertainer along with Connor.

Sunset on the Pacific

We drove here on Hwy 101 which is the first highway in California. It was built by Spanish missionaries to connect the 12 missions along the coast. One of the missions is San Luis Obispo where we ate dinner tonight. This area is rich in history and we are enjoying every minute of it. Tomorrow we will travel (in the car) along the Pacific Coast Highway. We can't wait to show the kids.

Pismo Beach, California

We arrived today in Pismo Beach where we are steps away from our RV in this picture. The RV park is right on the beach with the mountains behind us. I think this is Pepe's first time on a beach! (Connors paper airplane he made[top in hand]!!)

Lost Kids Found

Click the arrow to see this video. This morning, Ted, Lacy and Evan went for a hike up part of the El Capitan Canyon. Something happened and Ted went up one path and the kids went up another. As Ted looked for them, his already high anxiety level soared when he saw that the path they took led them up an advanced trail to and entirely different mountain! He could see them, but could not get to them nor communicate with them. This is video of when he first got to them at the bottom of the mountains.. It was a good moment for Ted. I think there are parts of this story that they still have not told me! Their angels were working overtime today!