Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wonderful Day!

Well, it's after midnight and I am going to bed. We had a great day and a grand adventure driving our bus through New Jersey. The thing about these old towns is many of them have bridges that were built long before crazy families in RV's came along! We have to keep our eyes open for places where we can't fit! In this picture, we are entering a tunnel. There is always a little pucker factor there. Some places won't let you go through if you carry propane, which we do.
Oh, and I actually missed Delaware! This sign was welcoming us from Delaware and I was not even aware we were in it! Our original plan was to visit Philadelphia today, but I decided to tack it on to the return trip after we drive through the Amish country. We needed more time in New York. It was a good call. if you want to see our [proposed] route, go to,+Cumming,+GA+30040+(Home)&daddr=940+Gold+Hill+Road,+Ft.+Mill,+SC++29708+to:768+Cecil+Avenue+North,+Millersville,+MD++21108+to:Georgia+Rd,+Freehold,+NJ+07728+to:Norwich,+CT+to:Providence,+RI+to:72+West+Street,+Foxboro,+Mass++02035+to:Kennebunkport,+ME+to:684+chemin+Olivier,+Saint-Nicolas,+QC+G7A+2N6,+Canada+(K+O+A+Quebec+City)+to:4100+Rue+Queen,+Rawdon,+Quebec,+Canada+to:52+Sunset+View+Rd,+Colchester,+VT+05446+to:514+1000+Islands+Parkway,+ON+K0E+1L0,+Canada+(KOA+1000+Islands)+to:8690+Tremaine+Road,+Milton,+Ontario,+L9T+2X7+Canada+to:1+Harbour+Square,+Toronto,+ON,+Canada+to:8690+Tremaine+Road,+Milton,+Ontario,+L9T+2X7+Canada+to:Lancaster,+PA+to:Philadelphia,+PA+to:16+Recreation+Ln,+Natural+Bridge+Station,+VA+24579+to:1890+Ashway+Dr,+Cumming,+GA+30040+(Home)&hl=en&geocode=%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3BFTDlpAId1QZ4-yE3JSaMSL5gJw%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B&mra=ls&sll=40.42311,-76.890215&sspn=17.008875,39.375&ie=UTF8&ll=40.463666,-74.707031&spn=8.505846,19.6875&z=6

I know. It's a really long URL. But it is a map of our route. We'll see if it works

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