Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Snow, snow and more snow!

We drove from Yosemite to Winnemucca, Nevada yesterday. The kids saw their first snow plow (I think it is mine too!) so the roads were nice and dry for us. We passed through many snow drifts that were taller than our 13 ft bus! We also went through many canyon passes where they warned against noise and stopping because of avalanche risk. We saw that this time of year when the snow is beginning to melt is a particularly risky time. The constant pressure changes going up and down the mountains caused everything in the bus that was sealed to "blow up" like this chip bag that Connor is holding! All our bottles and bags had a little poof when we opened them. We drove through Lake Tahoe and learned it is both in California and Nevada. Ted told us about all the places he had been skiing in the area. It was one of the most fascinating rides I may have ever been on.