Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Old North Church
"One if by land, two if by sea
" Paul Revere proclaimed to the people as he heralded his plan to warn of the oncoming British troops. The lanterns were placed in the steeple of the North Church you can faintly see in the background. We have really enjoyed walking through this historical town where well preserved history meets contemporary sophistication. We travelled over the river where many places of higher learning were found like MIT, Boston College, and Harvard. What a day!
Sweets in Boston!
Street Performers
An Outdoor Dinner in Boston
Beautiful MA countryside
A Five State Day
George Washington Bridge
Evan's New Hobby
Shower Time!
Lacy's an Unusual Sleeper!
Last Boat Out
Wonderful Day!
Oh, and I actually missed Delaware! This sign was welcoming us from Delaware and I was not even aware we were in it! Our original plan was to visit Philadelphia today, but I decided to tack it on to the return trip after we drive through the Amish country. We needed more time in New York. It was a good call. if you want to see our [proposed] route, go to,+Cumming,+GA+30040+(Home)&daddr=940+Gold+Hill+Road,+Ft.+Mill,+SC++29708+to:768+Cecil+Avenue+North,+Millersville,+MD++21108+to:Georgia+Rd,+Freehold,+NJ+07728+to:Norwich,+CT+to:Providence,+RI+to:72+West+Street,+Foxboro,+Mass++02035+to:Kennebunkport,+ME+to:684+chemin+Olivier,+Saint-Nicolas,+QC+G7A+2N6,+Canada+(K+O+A+Quebec+City)+to:4100+Rue+Queen,+Rawdon,+Quebec,+Canada+to:52+Sunset+View+Rd,+Colchester,+VT+05446+to:514+1000+Islands+Parkway,+ON+K0E+1L0,+Canada+(KOA+1000+Islands)+to:8690+Tremaine+Road,+Milton,+Ontario,+L9T+2X7+Canada+to:1+Harbour+Square,+Toronto,+ON,+Canada+to:8690+Tremaine+Road,+Milton,+Ontario,+L9T+2X7+Canada+to:Lancaster,+PA+to:Philadelphia,+PA+to:16+Recreation+Ln,+Natural+Bridge+Station,+VA+24579+to:1890+Ashway+Dr,+Cumming,+GA+30040+(Home)&hl=en&geocode=%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3BFTDlpAId1QZ4-yE3JSaMSL5gJw%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B&mra=ls&sll=40.42311,-76.890215&sspn=17.008875,39.375&ie=UTF8&ll=40.463666,-74.707031&spn=8.505846,19.6875&z=6
I know. It's a really long URL. But it is a map of our route. We'll see if it works
I know. It's a really long URL. But it is a map of our route. We'll see if it works
Times Square!
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