Our next stop today was a visit to an amazing location along the beach where Elephant Seals began making their home a few years ago. There were hundreds of them right there within reach; even beside the road. Those black things that look like rocks behind us are actually huge seals! It is too bad this is not a 3-D Blog, because you just can't see the smell in this picture. The tide washes the dead ones to the back which happens to be right where we were standing. The naturalists who were there answering questions said that there have been an unusual number of deaths of the seals this year. We can attest to that from the number of STINKING carcasses before us! They suspect a crazy bull seal has gone mad and started a killing spree or the recent storm drowned them(yes,the pups can't swim at first). What was very disturbing to the kids was a mother seal that was dead lying next to its little baby that was alive and cuddled up next to it. That made a profound impact on them.