Friday, February 22, 2008

Carpe Diem

When we got this bus, it had a big, blank place on the front for a plate. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to put there. One night I literally woke up and knew what it would be...Carpe diem - [Latin for]Seize the Day! This whole thing came about when we realized that we have been married over 15 1/2 years it has gone by so quickly! In less than five years, Connor will be a legal adult, 1 1/2 years after that, Lacy will, and in less than 9 years, Evan will be gone and all of our kids wil be grown! That is just no time at all. We want to parent in a way that when we are finished, we will have no regrets. We will seize the days we have together so we can enjoy our time together as a couple once they are gone with the satisfaction that we took the time to KNOW our family. We are so glad to be doing this now instead of wishing we did later.

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